Top 7 Wedding Photography Myths

Planning to hire a wedding photographer? First, read these 7 myths related to wedding photography.

  • Myth #1 – Anyone Can Click Wedding Photographs

This is a big piece of misinformation which many people believe in. Keep in mind that professional photography is not as easy as you think. By asking a friend or family member to click photographers at your wedding ceremony (who has no knowledge in the field of photography), you can end up ruining the memories of your lovely wedding. Want high quality results? Hire a professional wedding photographer.

  • Myth #2 – Wedding Photography Is Just Like Any Other Photography

No, it isn’t! People don’t understand that every type of photography is different from the other. With each project, the photographer needs to make certain preparations to get the best possible outcomes. The photographer starts preparing well in advance and the whole editing and processing of pictures consume lots of hours.

  • Myth #3 – You Need To Explain Each Shot To The Photographer

When you hire a professional photographer then this will not be the situation for sure. The photographer knows his job. All you need to do is brief him a bit about the theme of the wedding and you can also provide list/photos of people you want in your photographs.

  • Myth #4 – Dinner Pictures Are A Must

Although it’s quite common to click pictures while guests have dinner, but no one likes to get clicked while he or she are eating. So, avoid such photographs, in fact you can accompany the photographer and visit the tables of your important guests to click pictures with them (make sure that they aren’t in the middle of the lunch/dinner).

  • Myth #5 – In This Digital World, Photography Is Easy

No doubt technology has made every job easy, but taking pictures is an art which comes with experience. What surely has become easier is editing and processing of the photographs, but the job before that still remains the same. A novice photographer (no matter how latest technological devices he/she use) will not be able to match the expertise of an experienced wedding photographer.

  • Myth #6 – You Have To Hire Separate People For Videography And Photography At Your Wedding

No. Majority of photographers offer wedding photography and videography services, Sam Crawford is one of them. Once you hire Sam Crawford, you don’t have to worry anymore about videography and photography at your wedding. Just tell him what your requirements are and Sam will deliver results beyond your expectations.

  • Myth #7 – Wedding Photography Is Costly

Not if you hire Sam Crawford, who is known to deliver top-notch services without charging hefty amounts of money. You need to discuss your requirements with the photographer and depending on that the amount of your project is customised.