About Sam Crawford
Sam Crawford is an accomplished musician, photographer and Video producer with an incomparable flair for web development and an innate understanding of the pervasive power of the internet as a tool for online marketing and communication.
Sam Crawford is one of those eminently admirable people who can turn their hand to anything. Whether it’s optimising a website for SEO, putting a room full of Board members at ease for beautifully executed photos, or setting up a kick-arse ad campaign in google analytics-Sam’s the man.
Having worked with Sam on all these projects and more I’m yet to find something he can’t do with his customary efficiency and professionalism.
— Melissa Wilton, Communications Manager at Autism Spectrum Australia

From acquiring a Bachelor Degree in Contemporary Music and trying to make a viable living from the arts, he turned his hand to technology. As a consultant to Jump IT and later Foxtel he developed an intricate knowledge of computer hardware and a deep affinity for the boundless potential of the world-wide web.
Online Consulting was built on the desire to create a one-stop shop for businesses and all their online and technological needs. It has realised that ambition and more. Sam now has affiliated companies that run complimentary services Kelpie Blue Media and Sam Crawford Photography.
Sam Crawford is one of those people who stood at the precipice of the IT revolution and instantly saw the potential. He translates that vision for his customers. That’s what makes his service unique.